Cyberhouse discovered critical vulnerability in the Juniper system

Cyberhouse team discovered critical LFI (Local File Inclusion) vulnerability which is officially referred as CVE-2018-001 in the network management platform of the famous technological company Juniper.

This particular vulnerability is already registered in the U.S. national database of vulnerabilities –, Juniper’s technologies are used by thousands of famous companies worldwide, hence this particular vulnerability was threatening to the thousands of large and small sized companies.

Cyberhouse informed Juniper about the LFL vulnerability in their system in November of 2017, however, we were only allowed to publish this now, after they corrected CVE-2018-0013 bug in January’s Junos Space 17.2 R1 version.

Additional information on the vulnerability is available on the official website of Juniper ( If you are interested, you will find our company’s name in the section of ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.

Cyberhouse team in addition to the service provision continues to look for the vulnerabilities in famous systems and we will continue to keep you posted right after the developer corrects the bugs.